About Us

The average GP appointment lasts just 7-minutes. As women, our health can constantly change; from what we eat, to how we sleep, changes in our monthly cycle, mood swings and cravings. Try explaining that in 7-minutes! That’s why The Women’s Health Clinic exists. We’re ONLY staffed by female nurses, and our minimum appointment is 30 minutes. We can refer and prescribe if necessary, but most of all we can advise. At The Women’s Health Clinic we believe in making a difference to the lives of women all over the world in everything we do from vaginal rejuvenation, anti-ageing, body reshaping to general wellbeing and much more.

Press releases

Leaking is no laughing matter

New guidelines released in April 2019 regarding incontinence have indicated that all non-surgical options for this condition should be explored... read more

12.02.2020 • By The Women's Health Clinic
